(FAQ) Frequently Asked Questions
Our clean, kiln-dried wood is bug free, is easy to light and can be kept inside your home, or in the garage for the ultimate in convenience. Current customers say that the service the best part of the program: not having to stack the wood or order a whole cord at a time. GM takes care of all aspects of servicing your wood rack, so you don’t have to worry about it. You pick the place to put the wood it will be filled by our staff, so the wood is clean and dry whenever you need it.
All of our wood is hard wood, oak, maple, beech, ash and birch. All of our woods are kiln-dried at GM Firewood in South Hamilton, MA.
Approximately 17” to fit a standard fireplace.
Anyone who doesn’t want to fuss with large quantities of wood, stacking etc. Those who do not have vast areas in their yard that they want to devote to storing wood. People who enjoy a fire in the fireplace some evenings, on weekends and holidays, but do not heat with wood.
You are free to use the holder as long as you utilize the service. If you discontinue the service, the holder will be picked up.
YES, At the end of the season, when you are no longer using firewood, we may pick up the rack to repaint and refinish it for the upcoming year.
No – You could get it filled once or you could get it filled every week. As long as you need wood, we will keep your rack filled.